By: Ruben DavidoffMarch 5, 2021,
woman looking at brain scan at doctor's office

The brain is an integral part of your body, responsible for controlling just about everything that you feel, think, say, or do. Sadly, one of the most common injuries sustained after serious accidents caused by another person’s negligence is traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Brain injuries are notoriously complex, and determining long-term outcomes for brain injury survivors can be difficult. Various factors will dictate how long a brain injury will take to heal, such as the severity of the trauma and what area of the brain was injured.

Below, we discuss various treatment options for those who sustain mild, moderate, and severe traumatic brain injuries.

Various Types Of TBI

The severity of a brain injury is a significant indicator of how long it may take to heal. Ultimately, getting a proper medical diagnosis will be necessary when making this determination. However, here are some general symptoms related to each level of severity:

Mild TBI and Concussions

Mild brain injuries, also known as concussions, are caused by a blow or jolt to the head and make up a majority of TBI cases. Medical providers often deem these injuries “mild” simply because they are typically nonfatal. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be serious or impact one’s quality of life. Some of the most common side effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Blurry vision
  • Confusion or brain fog
  • Concentration or memory problems
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Many concussions may not require any specific treatment other than rest. In order to avoid getting injured again or worsening their condition, the person is typically instructed to pause all activities, such as sports or workouts, until they are cleared to return to normal activities by a doctor.

In most cases, these injuries will heal completely within a few weeks. However, 15-20% of patients will develop post-concussion syndrome, which is defined as persistent symptoms that last more than a month.

Moderate to Severe TBI

On the other hand, more severe types of brain injuries will result in more severe symptoms, such as:

  • Loss of consciousness for several minutes to hours after the accident
  • Persistent headache
  • Repeated nausea or vomiting
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Weakness or numbness in the fingers and toes
  • Agitation, combativeness, or aggression
  • Slurred speech
  • Persistent crying or mood swings
  • Depression or suicidal thoughts

While some individuals with a moderate to severe brain injury are able to reduce or completely eliminate symptoms over a long period of time, others may suffer from permanent brain damage that results in lifelong physical, cognitive, and behavioral deficits.

Treatments Available To Reduce Symptoms

Fortunately, several types of treatments are available to help those with TBI relearn certain skills, regain function of their bodies, care for themselves, and become as independent as possible. Therapy and rehabilitation often start while the patient is in the hospital and will continue in outpatient programs once they are discharged and return home.

Rehabilitation therapy may include a mixture of the following:

  • Physical Therapy: Helps patients build strength, balance, and flexibility while regaining motor control.
  • Occupational Therapy: Helps patients relearn how to perform daily tasks, such as cooking, getting dressed, or showering.
  • Speech and Language Therapy. Improves the patient’s ability to communicate, form words, and speak aloud; can also treat trouble chewing or swallowing.
  • Psychological Counseling. Teaches coping skills, how to improve personal relationships, and how to deal with overall emotional well-being.
  • Vocational Counseling. Helps a patient return to work by finding appropriate work opportunities.
  • Cognitive Therapy. Helps improve memory, attention, learning, judgment, and planning skills.

Your Family Comes First

Brain injuries can leave your life completely shattered. You shouldn’t be left to pick up the pieces. At Davidoff Law, our compassionate Queens personal injury attorneys are committed to helping brain injury survivors recover the right way.

While no amount of money can negate the trauma or pain that you have endured, you deserve justice and proper compensation for what you have been through. Our team will put your best interests first and stop at nothing to help you move on with your life.

To get started with your no-fee, no-obligation consultation, please call (212) 900-0000 or fill out our online contact form. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Se habla Español.

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