Queens Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Queens Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Suffering a spinal cord injury (SCI) is a life-changing event that can happen to anyone. In Queens, New York, the impact of such an injury is physical, emotional, and financial. That's where Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers step in, offering expert legal help for spinal cord injury victims.

Our spinal cord injury lawyers fight for each victim in every spinal cord injury case. This includes injuries to the spinal column in motor vehicle accidents. Now, our spinal cord injury attorneys can fight for you as well.

Learn more about these severe injuries below. Then, contact our spinal cord injury lawyer to schedule a free consultation.

Proven Queens Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Ready to Assist You

Proven Queens spinal cord injury attorney ready to assist you

If you've suffered a spinal cord injury in Queens, it's crucial to have a skilled attorney by your side. An experienced lawyer understands the nuances of New York's personal injury laws and can guide you through each stage of your case. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, our attorneys have a strong track record of successfully representing SCI victims, ensuring they receive the compensation they need for their recovery.

Legal Considerations for Spinal Cord Injury Cases

Legal considerations in SCI cases are complex and varied. In Queens, victims must navigate a maze of laws and regulations to seek justice. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we are well-versed in these legal complexities and work to build a strong case for each client. Understanding these legal aspects is crucial to securing the compensation you deserve.

Relevant Laws and Regulations

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)

The ADA is a federal law that protects individuals with disabilities, including those with spinal cord injuries. It ensures equal access to public spaces, employment, and accommodations. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we understand how the ADA applies to your case, particularly if discrimination or lack of accessibility has exacerbated your situation.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

The Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies or receiving federal funding. This Act can be relevant in SCI cases, especially when dealing with government entities or programs. Our lawyers at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers can help navigate these regulations to protect your rights.

New York State Laws Regarding Personal Injury and Negligence

New York's personal injury and negligence laws are crucial in SCI cases. These laws determine how compensation is calculated and who can be held liable. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we have extensive experience with New York's legal system. We work tirelessly to ensure that your case aligns with state laws, maximizing your chance of a successful outcome.

Importance of Proving Liability and Negligence in SCI Cases

Personal Injury Claims

Proving negligence is crucial in securing compensation in personal injury claims. For SCI victims, this means showing that someone else's actions or inactions led to their injury. Our attorneys at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers are skilled in proving negligence, whether it's a careless driver, an unsafe work environment, or a defective product.

Product Liability

Product liability can be significant in SCI cases, especially if a defective or dangerous product caused your injury. This could include faulty vehicles, unsafe machinery, or medical devices. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we delve into product liability laws to hold manufacturers and distributors accountable for your injury.

Damages and Compensation Available for SCI Victims

Medical Expenses and Ongoing Healthcare Costs

Medical expenses and ongoing healthcare costs can be enormous for SCI victims. These costs include hospital stays, surgeries, medication, and long-term care. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we work to ensure that your compensation covers all medical expenses, both current and future. We understand the financial burden of SCI and strive to alleviate it through comprehensive legal representation.

Lost Wages and Future Earning Capacity

A spinal cord injury can significantly impact your ability to work, leading to lost wages and reduced future earning capacity. Our attorneys at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers are committed to securing compensation for these economic losses. We understand that your injury may prevent you from returning to your previous job or working at all, and we fight to ensure your financial stability is preserved.

Pain and Suffering Damages

Pain and suffering damages are crucial for SCI victims, as they compensate for the physical and emotional distress caused by the injury. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we recognize the profound impact an SCI can have on your life. We work diligently to ensure your pain and suffering are acknowledged and compensated relatively in your legal claim.

Rehabilitation and Therapy Expenses

Rehabilitation and therapy are often necessary for spinal cord injury recovery. These expenses include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other rehabilitative services. Our team at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers ensures that these costs are included in your compensation. We understand the importance of comprehensive rehabilitation for your recovery and quality of life.

Assistive Devices and Accommodations

Assistive devices and home or vehicle modifications are often required for SCI victims. This can include wheelchairs, home modifications for accessibility, and specialized transportation. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we advocate for compensation that covers these necessary adjustments. We believe in enabling your independence and mobility to the fullest extent possible.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

Understanding spinal cord injuries

Sacral SCI

Sacral spinal cord injuries affect the lower part of the spine. They can lead to loss of function in the hips and legs and bladder and bowel control issues. Our attorneys at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers recognize the unique challenges of sacral SCI. We work to ensure that your legal claim addresses the specific impacts of this type of injury.

Lumbar SCI

Lumbar spinal cord injuries impact the lower back and can result in paralysis or weakness in the legs. These injuries often require significant medical intervention and rehabilitation. Our team at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers understands the severity of lumbar SCI. We ensure that your claim reflects the extensive care and support you will need.

Thoracic SCI

Thoracic spinal cord injuries affect the mid-back and can lead to paralysis or weakness of the trunk and legs. These injuries can be particularly challenging and impact one's ability to perform daily tasks. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we pay special attention to the unique aspects of thoracic SCI in our legal approach.

Cervical SCI

Cervical spinal cord injuries, occurring in the neck region, are often the most severe. They can result in quadriplegia, affecting function in all four limbs. Our lawyers at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers are deeply aware of the profound impact of cervical SCI. We work tirelessly to secure compensation that reflects the extensive care and support needed for these injuries. These could stem from a premises liability case.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Traumatic Injuries

Sudden, violent impacts often cause traumatic spinal cord injuries. Common causes in Queens include car accidents, falls, and sports injuries. Our attorneys at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers are experienced in handling cases involving traumatic SCI. Severe injuries could even lead to a wrongful death.

Non-Traumatic Injuries

Non-traumatic spinal cord injuries can result from illnesses, diseases, or degenerative conditions. These might include infections, cancer, or arthritis. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we understand the complexities of non-traumatic SCI cases. We work to prove the extent of your injury and its impact on your life, regardless of the cause.

Types and Severity of Spinal Cord Injuries

Types and severity of spinal cord injuries

Complete vs. Incomplete Injuries

A catastrophic injury could lead to a complete spinal cord injury or an incomplete spinal cord injury. Complete spinal cord injuries result in a total loss of function below the injury level. Incomplete injuries, however, may allow for some sensation or movement. Our team at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers recognizes the distinct differences between these two types.

Incomplete spinal cord injuries offer a potential for some recovery, which can impact the legal strategy. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we consider the possibility of future improvement when calculating damages. We work to secure compensation that supports both your current needs and any potential future rehabilitation expenses.

Paraplegia vs. Quadriplegia

Paraplegia affects the lower part of the body, while quadriplegia affects all four limbs. Each condition presents unique challenges and needs. Our attorneys at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers have experience with both paraplegia and quadriplegia cases. We understand the specific medical, financial, and emotional impacts and advocate accordingly in our legal strategy.

The level of care required in cases of quadriplegia is often extensive. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we focus on securing compensation that covers 24-hour care, specialized equipment, and home modifications.

Medical and Rehabilitation Challenges

Medical and rehabilitation challenges are central to spinal cord injury cases. These challenges can include the need for ongoing medical treatment, physical therapy, and psychological support. Our team at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers is committed to understanding and addressing these challenges in your legal claim.

What You Can Do if You or Your Loved Suffered From a Spinal Injury

Seek Medical Attention

Immediate medical attention is crucial after a spinal injury. Prompt treatment can make a significant difference in the outcome and recovery. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we advise our clients to prioritize their health above all. We also use medical records as essential evidence in building a solid legal case.

Document Everything

Documenting every detail related to your injury is vital. This includes medical records, details of the incident, and any changes in your lifestyle due to the injury. Our lawyers at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers use this documentation to build a comprehensive case on your behalf. We guide our clients on what to document and how it can be used effectively in their claims.

Keep Track of Expenses

Tracking all expenses related to your injury is essential for your legal claim, transportation to medical appointments, and any modifications needed for your home or vehicle. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we emphasize the importance of keeping detailed records of these expenses. They are crucial for calculating the full financial impact of your injury and ensuring you receive adequate compensation.

Consult With an Attorney

Consulting with a compassionate spinal cord injury attorney as soon as possible is essential. An attorney can provide valuable guidance and begin building a solid case on your behalf. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we offer initial consultations to understand your situation and advise on the best course of legal action. We are committed to protecting your rights from the very start.

Follow Medical Advice

Following your doctor's advice and treatment plan is critical for your health and your legal case. Compliance with medical recommendations demonstrates your commitment to recovery. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we understand the importance of this in building a strong case and often work with medical experts to support your claim.

Be Cautious With Insurance Companies

Fighting with insurance companies can be a major challenge, and it's important to be cautious. Insurance companies often aim to minimize payouts. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we advise our clients not to make statements to or settle with insurers without legal consultation.

The Legal Process for Queens Spinal Cord Injury Claims

Initial Consultation and Case Assessment

The first step in the legal process is an initial consultation and case assessment. During this meeting, our team at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers will review the details of your case, provide advice on your legal options, and outline the next steps.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If a lawsuit is the best course of action, the next step is filing a personal injury lawsuit. Our attorneys at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers will handle all the legal paperwork and formalities. Filing a lawsuit sets the legal process to seek compensation for your injuries in motion. We ensure that all documents are meticulously prepared and filed in accordance with court requirements.

Discovery Phase and Gathering Evidence

The discovery phase is where the parties exchange information and gather evidence. Our legal team at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers will collect medical records, witness statements, and expert testimonies. This phase is critical for building a strong case. We work diligently to gather comprehensive evidence to support your claim.

Negotiation and Settlement Attempts

Before going to trial, there are often negotiations for a settlement. Our attorneys at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers are experienced negotiators and will work to win a fair settlement for you. We understand the nuances of these negotiations and strive to reach an agreement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and losses.

Litigation and Courtroom Proceedings

If a settlement cannot be reached, the case will proceed to litigation and courtroom proceedings. Our trial lawyers at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers are well-prepared to represent you in court. We present a compelling case backed by strong evidence and expert testimonies, advocating fiercely for your rights and the compensation you deserve.

Appeals Process, if Necessary

If the court's decision is unfavorable, there may be an opportunity to appeal. At Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we evaluate the potential for a successful appeal and advise you on the best course of action. Our team is prepared to guide you through the appeals process, fighting for justice and the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact Our Experienced Queens Spinal Cord Injury Attorney at Davidoff Law Personal Injury Lawyers Today!

Contact Our Experienced Queens Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with a spinal cord injury in Queens, we are here to help you. Contact us for expert legal support. Schedule your free consultation with our team.

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